Hi All,
We all have cars and we all love our cars. The only purpose of cars is to make our ride comfortable while we take care of the car just like our kid or as a closet family member. We flaunt our brand new cars via it's brands or may be via it's length CAAAARRRR in a recent advertisements or via it's mileage and looks. After a while all we think about is the car's maintenance, the petrol/diesel it drinks every kilometer and clean interiors.
I do have my dream to own a car got fulfilled when I bought my Santro with the help from my dad as he took most of the loan. The basic logic of the car purchase was to make a comfortable ride for my wife and kid who was yet to born as it was a travel of 300kms from the place I was working and where my family lived.
Post kid's birth, it was the first time when I took my daughter to the place I work and came to know that Car really made the travel easy as well as entertaining. Because of the kid, many a times it was time to change the nappies, sometimes milk vomiting and many other things made the car stink for quiet for some time. It was a difficult time cleaning the smell these things left in the car. As my daughter was growing so was the things that fell in the car. From corn snacks to popcorns to soft drinks spilling, the car took quiet a beating till 4 years. After many years of travel, the smell was always subtle present in the car.
As I received a Light Citrus version sample of the Ambi Pur Vent Clip from the company in a Indiblogger drive. While I was very confused that what this 2ML of liquid will do to the car but as the first clip vent inside the car the bad smell really left the car forever atleast for about 30-40 days. But after this was over, I really need to find out another one quickly in the market so as to make the ride more comfortable.

Cheers to AmbiPur products which keeps interiors of the car FreshnHappy.
#FRESHNHAPPY Experience and more info at www.facebook.com/AmbiPurIndia