
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Celebrate Blogging Contest @Blogadda - Chapter 6

Team #Alphabet Soup

Read the previous parts of the story here:
Chapter 1 on Ranjini's blog. 
Chapter 2 on Knitha's blog.
Chapter 3 on Bragadeesh's blog. 
Chapter 4 on Sajith's blog. 
Chapter 5 on Reema's blog.

Read the previous part of the story here

Chapter 6

Tara locked the front door & double-checked the handle to ensure that it was locked. The crew and the Duttas would be leaving in few minutes. Shekhar was thoughtful. His face looked troubled and it reflected his lack of interest in the journey. During the past week, Shekhar tried all methods to refrain Tara from taking Roohi. He tried reasoning, he fought with her, he begged her, he tried to get Roohi interested in something else. But nothing worked. He tried one last time to change Tara's mind. 
"Tara, Is it necessary to take Roohi? I'll stay here with - "Roohi pouted, hurriedly hugged her mother and looked accusingly at her father. 

"Why are you so worried Shekhar? I thought this conversation was over. This should be a summer tour for her. Look, she wants to go badly".
"Hmm..... Ok Ok!" said Shekhar unwillingly.

His efforts were in vain. He recalled how the other day, Roohi's words had been mysteriously similar to his novel. It creeped him out every time he thought of it. The cab arranged by the media had arrived to pick them. The crew comprising of a reporter, a camera man and a photographer were already in the cab.

The cab took them to the Mumbai airport from where, they boarded the flight to Cochin. The flight landed at Nedumbassery International Airport after about 2 hours. Excited, Roohi pranced around the Cochin Airport area.

"Papa, this place is very much different from our Mumbai City. It is green everywhere!"
The crew was enjoying the natural beauty of Kerala. They had another 3 hours' journey left to reach their final destination. Tara contacted N9's Kerala Branch and requested for a van to take them to the temple. She also informed them that she'll need someone who knew the local language to help the crew. Soon, the van arrived & they all started for Vajrakshipuram.

Roohi was enjoying the drive. She saw the backwaters, tiny mountains and greenery enveloping everything, everywhere. She was wonder-struck. Halfway through the journey, they saw a group of people, wearing ochre robes, asking for lift.Tara asked the driver to stop the van and on enquiry, they were on the way to the temple too. In the hope of getting some inputs regarding the procession from them, they let them join the crew.

Soon, they were all engaged in different conversations and the topic relating to the temple, the procession & its myths came up. The translator was having a tough time, doing multiple translations at the same time.

"The temple where the procession occurs is Vajrakshi Maha Devi temple. Since, Vajrakshi ( Goddess with diamond eyes)  resides there, the village was named Vajrakshipuram, (The place where Vajrakshi resides)."

"The Goddess here is very powerful. This festival happens once in 7 years. That is the only day the temple opens and the Idol is taken out of the chamber. Since centuries, little girls have been carrying the idol for the procession. But last time, the child who carried it died."

"Died?" Roohi opened her eyes widely.

"Yes. She picked the Idol out and as per the tradition, went to the temple pond accompanied by the oldest priest. But somehow, she drowned and the priest was found unconscious. No one knows what happened. The priest has been half paralysed ever since."

"Then?" Roohi was eager to hear the rest.

"Then the villagers decided not to conduct the procession. But after some years, the village witnessed many calamities. The villagers fell ill and the crops were getting destroyed. Upon calling the temple astrologer, he said that it was due to the wrath of Goddess and that the festival had to continue."

"Amme... Mahaa Maayee..." ( The devotees prayed)

"How do they select the girl who takes the idol for procession? Can I take that idol out Mumma?" Tara asked with a cute smile.

"Roohi, that is enough." Shekhar looked her annoyed.

They reached Vajrakshipuram and the driver took them to their lodgings as per their convenience & budget specifications. As they were walking towards their lodgings adjacent to the temple, an old lady came up to them.

She looked at Roohi and began shouting something in Malayalam. 

"Nilkaa avide! Kutty! Enthina vanne? Venda mole. Poku! Rakshappedu!
Jeevanum kond Rakshappedu. Ivide aapathha."

Scared, Roohi ran and hid behind her mother.
'What is she saying?' Tara didn't like her. The translator asks Tara not to bother. That, she was a crazy astrologer, screaming stuff to people. People like this roam in many temples. Some just read the palm, some read the face and some just say weird stuff.

Tara was amused, 'Really? What did she say now?'

'She is asking why your daughter came here. She shouldn't be here. She must escape. And that it is dangerous here for her.'

Shekhar was horrified and was about to say something to Tara, when she said, 'Shekhar! You heard him? Stuff like this happen here often. Don't worry. We'll keep Roohi close to us.'

Shekhar wasn't convinced at all. But all the same, they make it towards their lodging.

---end of chapter 6--- 
Read the next part of the story here at Finitha's Blog
“Me and my team are participating in ‘Game Of Blogs’ at #CelebrateBlogging with us.”