
Thursday 25 September 2014

SterKinekor Cinema Park - #Addicted2Life - Right Decision to Drugs

Hi Guys,

It was a great opportunity to go be invited to a program which can not only change your life but also those around you. It helps you decide what is right and best for you. It helps you create a conscious effort towards making your life not only beautiful but also worthwhile on Planet Earth. Thanks to @sterkinekor

Addicted2Life is a program to empower young people to make the right decisions about Drugs and substance abuse. It's an initiative between Cinema Park and Gauteng Department of Education to directly engage with learners from various schools around Gauteng to make them aware about the substance abuse and drugs. The program hopes to reach more than 12000 Gauteng learners from Grade 7-12 over the next few years. 

The movie takes learners up to six different experiences that every parent and educator can use to give children the tools to better deal with the difficult decisions they will have to make as teenagers and young adults related to drugs, alcohol and substance abuse. The war against drugs starts with you and you only. The movie shows the impacts of drugs and alcohol on the physical and emotional side of human beings. This movie will help make learners aware about what it is really like (in your body, mind and life) after you use these drugs. Addicted to life program honestly presents the facts about drugs and alcohol. 

1. The Interactive Experience - "Your Choice" - A series of questions are asked to every learners and their inputs are recorded using the unique personal remote control. The questions tests the understanding, knowledge and attitude of learners before and after the program. The top 3 learners after the final round wins some rad prizes from Cinema Park also.

2. The 3D Experience - "Feeling the Chemistry" - Youth generally tend to believe that they are immune to the dangers of addiction. They wrongly suppose that whoever isn't addicted surely won't be harmed and they themselves won't become addicted ever. They have strong will power etc etc. These myths are broken in this video presentation which shows that once a drug abuse stays in your body for more than 30 days. It affects your heart and brain as well as other parts of body.

3. The Darkness Experience - "Knock Out" - The lights are switched off and learners are taken to a role play kind of journey of 3 youngsters at a party via audio inputs. The party ends in tragic circumstances. The learners learn how social pressures can change one's mind and affects negatively on one's decision making process. You could feel as to how will you react in that particular situation. 

4. The Motion Experience - "Chain Reaction" - Another movie presentation that takes learners through the process of drug making across the world. The movie shows the harsh realities from growing the plants to processing the same and finally transporting it through various parts of the world. It all leads to a big  network of crime which is worth billions of dollars. It not only affects the end user but also the creator of the same too. 

5. The Inspiration Experience - "Reality Check" - This is a movie presentation to take learners through the dangers of alcohol. It breaks various misconceptions that alcohol only damages in the long run. The truth is that even one occasion of irresponsible drinking can have devastating effects. The movies shows various real life examples of individuals/families which are suffering due to the same.

Overall, it's a journey which will make you aware about the drugs and it's effects on your body, brain and life. It not only vanishes your life but also your friends & families. Do check this program out to learn & experience for yourself before you take that path of no return. 

I don't do alcohol or any other substance abuse but it was a great learning experience for me too. I didn't know what drugs and alcohol causes inside your body and how it impacts your families and friends?  

I would like Cinema Park to include questions related to whether learners have taken theft as a measure to purchase drugs or if they are doing it already so that crime in our own lives angle & discussion can also be showcased.

Addicted2Life is available in Ster Kinekor. More info on twitter and facebook

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