
Thursday 9 April 2015

A Memoir - This Month Last Year - April 2014 #TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra

Hi Guys,

April is the start of Winters in South Africa and it brings in a lot of relief from the warm summers here. Johannesburg weather is moderate and remains really good throughout the year but when the sun shines the rays are strong enough to burn you.

Last year April 2014, I wrote the maximum number of posts i.e. 25 to regain my lost position as a blogger and also the Indiblogger rank. The posts which remind me of this month are - 

1. #IndiSpire - I blog because of Indiblogger - I started blogging to be a part of Indiblogger community and I wrote a post for the same too. Though my first prize came from Blogadda community but I was not aware of this community before starting my blog. 

2. Indiblogger #Indispire - Five Places I wanted to visit- It was the initial topics of Indispire when it was launched last year on Indiblogger network and I thought of writing my own memoirs for the same. This post has a lot of questions and I think it's funny. Check it out!

3. Product Reviews - I bought some stuff and posted reviews of the same on my blog. 

4. Nature Walks Series - I posted some of my clicked photographs of flowers and other stuff. 

5. Twitter and Promotional Goodies - It was a great month because I got some of the nicest goodies from some of the brands. 

Last to last year also, the number of posts was 29 and I hope that this year, I will try to break the record or settle somewhere between 25 and 29 posts. Also, this month I am awaiting the final round of #MissionSamsung and keeping my fingers crossed for the Grand Finale!

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