
Friday 24 April 2015

@MadmadRob - RobCycling Tips for #EarthDay #Robosphere

Hi Guys,

We live on this planet Earth which provides us everything to sustain ourselves all our lives. Human have created a lot of stuff which can't be recycled which is leading to a lot of destruction for the Planet Earth and it's environment. This Earth Day let's create something unique out of our garbage bags and learn some tips from our very own Rob which he calls as RobCycling tips.

Check out this video and enjoy a simple way to have fun as well as learn something unique -

Rob captures the essence of arts and crafts and reaches to the hearts of the individuals. Our heart and mind always values creativity while eyes tries to capture what they have liked the best.#Robosphere is always full of ideas which we can incorporate into our lives and save the Planet Earth for our grandchildren. 

These are some of the social media channels where you can follow MAD Rob and learn a lot. The video's uploaded on Youtube are of good hd quality and you will actually see clearly the process Rob follows to create his crafts. Keep checking all the other 33 video's to learn some of the amazing arts and crafts which will not only open your mind but also makes you a kid again to try all the new things you learned in these video's. 

Children are the future of our Planet Earth and it's their responsibility to not only aware parents but also everyone around them to re-use all the stuff which can't be recycled. I am thinking of an idea where kids in bigger classes can take session of small kids & mothers & anyone interested in arts & crafts within their apartments/societies to help learn them these things. They themselves can learn from Rob via youtube channel and then impart their knowledge to everyone else and may be add something unique of thier own while creating the same. The same projects can be shared with Rob and the best ones will be shown at the end of every episode on this youtube channel with your name and city (location).

Keep learning while you are entertained in this new medium known as YOUTUBE which has taken world by storm. Click subscribe now -


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