
Wednesday 18 May 2016

Dead #Battery Can Be A Thing Of The Past - Learn From Peter Hu @HuaweiZA #Mate8

Hi Guys, 

Peter Hu, Managing Director of East and Southern Africa, Huawei Consumer Business Group shares some of the tips and tricks about the smartphone battery from his years of experience and something that he has brought to the Huawei range of smartphones. This post is written by him - 

Battery life on mobile phones has come a long way. The first handheld device needed a whopping 10 hours to charge and only offered a measly 30 minutes of talk time. Our smartphone that can wave away these troubles away and save you from a dead battery meltdown. All our devices from the new Huawei Y6Pro – to our Mate 8 batteries lasts for days. The Huawei Y6Pro goes from 0% battery to juiced-for-three-hours-of-talk-time in just 10 minutes of charging. This smartphone’s 4000mAh battery is also the most powerful in its category, capable of a staggering two days of heavy usage. The GR5 has 3000mAh battery supports a longer standby time, resulting in a worry-free mobile life. The Mate 8 is quick to charge and lasts for 22 hours. 

It is clear that we at Huawei understand that a powerful long lasting battery life is not only welcome, it is necessary. This is because our reliance on smart devices has reached unprecedented heights. When a battery dies, we are unable to navigate our world. We all too familiar with those butterflies in our stomach when our battery runs low and it is not a good time for our phones to die… but there are worse times for dead battery to strike! 
Huawei Mate 8 #Thelifesway #photoyatra
1. Missing the crucial interview
An exciting job interview requires meticulous planning. Research on the interviewer and the company, carefully prepared answers, picking that just-right outfit and, of course, downloading the interview address to Google maps. An excellent plan – assuming you don’t forget to charge your phone overnight. 

A man in New York experienced just this problem. On his way to an important audition for a car rental advertisement, he stored the address of the audition on his phone – then watched in horror as its battery slowly drained to zero just as he was approaching his subway stop. He never got to his audition and he never got the job, an experience many of us can surely share.

Advice: If your phone doesn’t have the battery superpowers of a Huawei, write down the address of important appointments on paper.

2. Getting lost in the wilderness
GPS navigation apps are great for traveling to new places! You can focus on the road while your smartphone tells you exactly where to go. But if you’re in the middle of nowhere and relying on your phone for navigation, a dead battery is no longer just a mere annoyance – it can truly be dangerous. 

A woman in a remote part of the United States experienced this first-hand. She’d played one too many smartphone games before hitting the road, and as the friendly GPS Sat Nav voice turned to a whisper and then disappeared, she realised that the night ahead would be spent huddled up in the car, locks engaged to keep the local wildlife at bay. 

Advice: When on a long journey, always take a map and flashlight.

3. The student experience
All students, past or present, understand the hair pulling frustration experienced when an essay you’ve spent all night writing disappears after the sudden death of a laptop battery. 

One American student took the typical sob story even further by storing all her work from the start of college until the end of it on her computer, without ever backing it up. On the eve of graduation, she tripped over the power cord, yanking the plug out of its socket. Her computer’s already frazzled battery couldn’t stand the shock. It shut down forever, taking the student’s entire academic portfolio with it.

Advice: Always back up your files and make sure you have a battery that lasts. 

4. Backpacking to a new city
We use our phones to book travel, accommodation and plan our journeys. The modern backpacker is so connected to everything through the web and social media that they don’t know how to get around when the battery on their smartphone dies. In Spain, a backpacker decided to take a bus trip from Seville to Madrid. Having booked a room in a youth hostel, sorted out her transport and stored the address of the hostel in her phone, she relaxed on the seven-hour journey listening to music. When she arrived in Madrid she tried to pull up her hostel information – and her smartphone battery promptly died. The backpacker was left without an address, the ability to make a phone call or Google translate. After much panic and pigeon Spanish, she managed to find her hostel (and that all-important plug socket).

Advice: Learn how to ask for directions, wherever you are in the world. 
Three reasons why the Huawei battery rules!
  1. Its battery can last for two days even under a heavy usage 
  2. Extremely quick charge time- just 10 minutes of charging, you can go from 0% battery to 3 hours of call time 
  3. It charges twice fast due to Huawei quick charge Technology
I really love Huawei devices especially the Mate Series and P series. I wish I could get them sponsored or as a gift so as to handle all my social media on those capable smartphones. 


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