Hi Guys,
Fanta launched a fun new campaign called #FantaPhotoBomb, which is designed to set the stage for and also amplify more moments of “play”. This campaign is specifically targeted at all selfie lovers and the ever-present, always on time, photo bombers. 
Driven by this awesome campaign, Fanta wishes to continue creating more play in their world, using the playful icons printed on the new cans. Fanta wants to inspire people to have spontaneous moments of fun on their social playgrounds, as well as enable them to share their #FantaPhotoBomb moments on the brand’s social media pages and with their friends. Fanta is inviting consumers to experience #FantaPhotoBomb in style as they make their way across the country to host memorable play stops in Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. This experience will include different interactive areas.
Consumers were also treated to a special “Trolls” movie private screening. Joining us on this playful journey are Kay Sibiya, Khanya Mkangisa and Cape Town’s very own NerdzSquared. They will be photobombing their way through their respective cities, with the help of Fanta. 
Join in the fun and share your perfect photobomb moments using the hashtag #FantaPhotoBomb.There is still time to win some awesome prizes every fortnight till 16th December by following the brand on twitter and posting the photographs related to a theme. Earlier themes includes - architecture, family and friends where you have to Fanta photobomb your friends and family etc using the Fanta Cans and bottles.
Contact me at thelifesway@gmail.com if you want me to attend your launch events, blog and share on all my #socialmedia channels #TheLifesWay or to be a #Brand_Ambassador for your products and services!