Saturday, 15 March 2025

Stationery Review 166 - Diamine Helen Fountain Pen Ink from Cult Pens @CultPens

Hi Friends, 

Diamine Helen is a darker green ink with a red sheen. This is really a great one just like the other named inks. If you like darker pigmented inks then you should buy Diamine inks that are named after persons/individuals. There must be some history behind the naming convention of these inks may be on authors or writers or noble prize winners. In United Kingdom, you can always expect that when they named something it will be after someone famous originating from their lands. Check it out!

Stationery Review 166 - Diamine Helen Fountain Pen Ink from Cult Pens @CultPens

Some of these inks are available at Sandton Stationery & Print shop in Sandton City. Some more colours are available at Applebee Pens in Johannesburg and the WriteGear store in Cape Town. These are also available at WriteSpoke and WriteGear Online Stores as well. The price of these inks is around ZAR 100 for a 30ml bottle.

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