Monday, 17 March 2025

Stationery Review 175 - Pilot Iroshizuku Ama-Iro Fountain Pen Ink (15ml)

Hi Friends, 

I bought this Pilot Iroshizuku Ama-Iro Fountain Pen Ink from Sandton Stationery & Print Shop in Sandton City. Ama-Iro also means Sky Blue and the ink also matches the same. 

Stationery Review 175 - Pilot Iroshizuku Ama-Iro Fountain Pen Ink (15ml)

The retail price is around ZAR 250, but there is a 25% discount sale currently going on at the shop, so you will get the same at 75% of the retail price (ZAR 187.50). They have a wide range of Pilot Fountain Pens as well, which are also at a discount if you want to grab one. 

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