Thursday, 20 March 2025

Stationery Review 176 - Lamy T52 Petrol Fountain Pen Ink (50ml) @SandtonStat

Hi Friends, 

Lamy launched 2 new colours of inks named Petrol and Sepia in the month of March 2025. The same is available at Sandton Stationery & Print for around ZAR 250 each. I have reviewed the Lamy Petrol in this video. Lamy Petrol is the darkest green ink with a lot of black into the same. Though at no point the black is visible but it's really a dark green ink as a whole. 
Stationery Review 176 - Lamy T52 Petrol Fountain Pen Ink (50ml) @SandtonStat

The ink is priced at around ZAR 250 for a 50ml bottle which also a whole roll of blotting paper to clean your pens on the go. Otherwise, I am not sure if you will ever buy blotting paper because you will just clean the ink with tissue paper or a towel or whatever mechanism you are already using. I have a lot of tissue papers coloured in inks which I have kept for nostalgia purposes. They do smell bad as well as inks are made from some form of chemicals and every brand uses different chemicals. 

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